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Aleksandar Sarovic wrote:

I have received the first letter from one big Christian organisation that did not deny me a chance for being Jesus. They found what I wrote interesting and asked questions. Well, they have not accepted me as Jesus. However, I consider it a huge success. If one Christian organisation publicly announces there is a slight chance that I might be Jesus Christ, I would get millions of very curious visitors here. They would investigate me by reading my book. That means the world would start to change. Unfortunately, after two weeks I still have not received permission from this Christian organisation to publish it's letter here. I think that does not prevent me from presenting my response, which is by the way the best short description of the book I have made so far. Here it is:


Dear "Representative of Christian Organisation",

You are the first representative from a religious organisation who has not denied me a chance for being Jesus Christ. Thank you for that. I do not know whether I am Jesus Christ but I am positive the system I have proposed could save 6 billion souls on the planet Earth from the social evil.

It is not easy to answer your questions because my whole book talks about that. You may find some kind of the answers to your questions in the articles here: Humanism Shortly and here: My Thoughts and of course, in the whole book here: Downloads. Now I'll try my best of the best to give answers on your questions in a few sentences:

Selfishness, greed, sin, strife, oppression in today's society are the result of man's ignorance. The system offers the solution to these problems through the truly equal rights among the people. The people will be free to follow and protect their interest everywhere. However, they will not be able to do it on expenses of other men any more, because the system will not allow it.

In the new system each man will have the equal right to evaluate any other person and that will bring some very important awards and penalties to the evaluated person. That means no one will be able to make any profit by hurting somebody else. Or in other words, the people will get the profits only through producing benefits to the society. By the time the evaluation among the people might fully replace all of the existing state laws. The reminding will be only the Law of God, defined in the Bible and performed through the exercise of direct democracy and the system of evaluation.

Besides that, in the new system not one job will be privileged any more and that will eliminate those kinds of negativities you mentioned. In the new system, each man will be able to choose any public work post he wants by offering the best productivity for the desired work post. The private companies will not be able to follow such a big productivity and therefore capitalism together with all its negativities will be sent to history.

By the special regulation of workers' responsibilities and income compensations for work, all public work posts will be equally desirable to all. The system will give the people security and freedom to follow their productive interests in the manner that is unthinkable today. The life in such a system will enable the people to demystify the alienated values of today's society and to find where the real values are. In this way, the people will achieve the knowledge to get a wonderful life, love, peace, joy, stability, and harmony of the society beyond the wildest dreams today.

Finally, the system will be accepted voluntarily. A few tens, hundreds, or thousands of people somewhere around the world may try the system and prove what I just said. They will make Heaven on Earth and then the rest of the world will certainly follow in the same direction. Those who have all of the power today probably will not like the system at the beginning but would not have other choices than to join others because they would not be able to live alone.

I did my best but also believe you still have many whats, whys, and hows? The point is nobody is able to understand the system without reading the book. After that I would gladly explain everything that is not understood.

Also, I kindly ask you for the permission to publish your letter together with my response in the discussion forum at my web site here. Your name would be appreciated as well.  


Aleksandar Šarović 


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