Commune Disalienation

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3.1       Study of the Process of Disalienation of a Commune   


The history of mankind is the history of the powerlessness of individuals, and of the rule of authorities, the history of authoritative, imposed and, therefore, alienated categories of values, of the alienated activities and, consequently, of alienated knowledge. The history of mankind is a history of alienation or alienated history.   

If one thinks that the development of society has improved the situation today, one is wrong. It has only brought new forms that hide the needs of the individual to take control of another individual. Today most presidents of the countries swear about democracy but in reality, they successfully avoid it as much as it is possible because they like to keep power in their own hands. Most priests pray to God that Jesus comes soon, but in reality, they would want much more to retain the right to interpret Jesus’s words the way it suits them best. Most company owners swear by the free market, but in reality, they try hard to create a monopoly for themselves. Most teachers are convinced that they love to spread knowledge to students, but in fact, they prefer to rule over the students with the knowledge they have acquired. Most parents swear to God about their love for their children, but in reality, they love the power over their children. The situation almost everywhere follows the pattern of these samples. All people incline toward privileges. The problem is that privileges are evil for privileged people and the whole society.  

There is no doubt that all these authorities suppress the people at every moment of their lives. Once the individuals become aware of themselves in such a society, they are already under the influences of alienated generations and are forced to accept the alienated world, as the other world they do not see. If the individuals try to overcome the inconveniences that stem from alienation, it would be hard for them to reach any good result because the alienation has taken their abilities to recognize their natural needs, because they already think through the alienated premises of comprehending the causes of the inconveniences, because they came across the obstacles of the alienated society. 

Because of the lack of objective knowledge, the alienated society is subject to random selection of determinations that stem from the alienated visions of conveniences. Such a society is inclined to idolatry, fetishism, and very superficial election of vital determinations. The individual in an alienated society bases their own belief in the conveniences on alienated assumptions and therefore, sooner or later, experiences disappointment. They come into contradiction with their own nature, which brings them great inconveniences. When in real life the alienated needs of individuals come across obstacles, in their alienated consciousness their vision of survival is also endangered. Then the very doubt in the correctness of their orientation brings tension that pushes them to strive for the alienated vision of survival. Such a struggle may, without objective reasons, endanger other people.   

The endangering of the alienated needs of individuals brings along aggression by which the alienation may be recognized. Such an individual is waiting for any opportunity or authoritative invitation to act aggressively. If the individual forms a narcissistic vision of consciousness, they then induce great destruction toward their environment. A destructively oriented individual terminates the conditions for the exercise of their own benefits. Instead of purifying their thoughts, drawing conclusions within the limits of their possibilities, and then moving forward, such an individual passes through life blindly with strong destructive emotions and strives, as such, in favour of their own impotence, for their own inconveniences.   

If external forces are too strong, the individual then may suppress their own natural needs. The individual cannot meet the suppressed needs, which induces non-defined anxiety in the individual through everyday life. Separation of life from the individual's nature brings neurotic disorders and depressive states. The individual frequently finds the way out of such states in a temporary curb of emotions using alcohol, drugs or medicaments.     

The more the individual is alienated from their own nature, the higher the deviations of their personality are. Also, contradictions in the individual are bigger, and it is more difficult for them to control their own emotional states, including energy. The individual is then inclined to any form of self-destruction. In extreme cases, due to non-satisfied needs, the alienation generates tension of such proportions that the individual cannot objectively comprehend nature. Such an individual is an ill individual, and such a society is an ill society.   

Anything the individual does in life, they do it with the idea of their own prosperity in mind. However, in the present-day alienated society, where subjective, erroneous categories of values are created, the effect is contrary. The alienated individual lives along the principle of their own negation, they act against their own nature because they do not know their nature.   


The problem of the alienation of society is broad and deep, and therefore it should be faced comprehensively. The analysis up to today allows one to conclude that all inconvenient social phenomena arise from the individual's inability or from the lack of knowledge, and alienation originated by authoritative limitations. In this connection, one can conclude that all socially positive phenomena may arise from knowledge acquired in natural life based on freedom and equality of all individuals because the individual's productive power develops only in such a way.   

The power of an individual over another individual is undoubtedly the main problem of today's society. That is what needs to be eliminated if we really want to solve the problems we have today. It is not easy to do it at all; however, this book offers a convincing solution. By this solution, we all need to sacrifice something to get much more and make a far better world.   

The society would need to form a system able to exist productively without the authorities and their ideologies, in the freedom and equality of all its members. It would need to allow each individual to acquire knowledge by their own practice. It is hard for the individual to form an objective idea about the laws of the movements in nature, because autonomy directs them toward subjective determinations and, consequently, toward alienation. The society, as a gathering of subjective individuals, might through the practice of equal rights among the members form a more objective vision of reality. The more the society will get to know the real laws of movements in nature, the real value categories and its real nature, the less alienated it will be. This will allow individuals and society to come closer to their own nature, to their prosperity.   

This book defines the process of disalienation in society. To be able to perform the process of disalienation, one must establish freedom and equal rights among people. Equal rights among people and real democracy will seize power from the authorities and create a sound and sane society. This book presents how such a society can be built. The emphasis of the book is on political and economic relations because they are basic relations in society.


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