Association of States

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3.2.2                Association of States  

States organize power on their territories in order to achieve more conveniences to the population. However, when the power does not suit the nature of a society, the states conduct an alienated, autocratic, authoritative policy. Such a policy creates an irrational and unstable economy of the people, an inappropriate and unjust orientation among nations, tensions and risks in relations among the states. States are responsible for the most massive bloodsheds in the history of mankind.  

State leaders are trying to put in place a more successful policy and economy than other states have. In the alienated world, states conduct through a false impression of cooperation, a merciless fight for political and economic domination. The USSR and the USA are an example of the longstanding fight of ideologies of communism and capitalism. Both states invested enormous funds in development in order to each present their country as more successful. America defeated the USSR not so much thanks to American successfulness, but due to the longstanding erroneous USSR policy that, in competing with the USA, did not care enough about the needs of its inhabitants. When the incapable leader Mikhail Gorbachev emerged, the USSR was doomed to catastrophe. As consequence, the USA has now taken the right to impose its interests to the whole world. In the first place, it is imposing a liberal capitalistic model that enables the richest stratum of people to rule the world, as there is nobody today able to oppose their economic power.  

The most important defect of the present-day political systems is the fact that effective power is in the hands of a small group of powerful people led by the Rothschild family. Those people have built their power by the help of the ownership of big corporations and especially big banks. That is how they exercise the power to rule over the governments of the Western world and through them they practically rule the whole world. They are very well organized and unexposed. Moreover, they are hiding in a way that the public does not know that they rule the world. Hidden as they are, they can rule indefinitely as there is no mechanism that would take them away from power.  

If we analyze UN resolutions, we will see that most resolutions were imposed by the USA that materializes almost exclusively the interests of the Rothschild family. If we analyze mass media, we can draw the conclusion that in the "free" west information is under control. Mass media are privately owned and it is not difficult to conclude whose policy they are pursuing. The Rothschild family, through its agents, imposes its interests equally through daily reports, cultural and entertainment manifestations, commercials. If we analyze who gets recognition in the world, it is easily visible that the same policy is behind all of them; the policy beneficial to the world's rich. They appoint their people to all-important functions in the world.  

State leaders of the developed world are the most exposed examples. They are trying to present the interests of their sponsors as the interest of the population. If they are sufficiently successful, they keep their function and if not, the people elect new leaders who will again pursue the same policy following the interests of the rich. State policies of developed countries remain pretty much the same after changes in leadership. There is no sense in listening to state leaders, as they do not speak the truth. Their lies generate a moral crisis at the top of the state that then expands everywhere. My advice to the voters in the developed world is to not vote. Do not give legitimacy to the corrupt system. Please, boycott that fake creation until the policy allows you to really decide on your needs.      

The Rothschild family makes all the important decisions in the world. In order to achieve a greater economic and political power in the world, they even associate states. They thus decided to unite Europe, the continent where antagonism among nations has been present for millennia, where in each state a different language is in use, and where different cultures and religions meet. Such an attempt seemed almost impossible, but as a result of the enormous energy employed, money invested and the propaganda of big business the uniting of Europe is materializing. Even if inhabitants of one or another European country reject in referendum the uniting, this will not stop the rich. With additional effort, they will materialize their idea in the end. In this way, the European Union is forming a single market, parliament and government, and Europe is becoming one country.  

The unity of European countries is a good idea but it cannot be successful because it is a product of the wish of the most powerful people to take more power and control over it. All decisions important for associated states will be further made at the alienated state, ministerial and parliamentary level, which cannot help in overcoming the unfavourable orientation of society. Since not a single present-day government is able to resolve the fundamental social problems on its respective territory, associated states will be even less capable of resolving them. Politically, it is very hard today to harmonize different national, ideological, religious, cultural, economic and other interests.  

Economically, the free market system does not have an able mechanism to establish stable frameworks of distribution of labour and of operating results. A collective state can try to accomplish stability of the system by a selective tax policy and subsidies. However, there is no objective criterion for harmonizing different interests internationally, which makes the agreement-reaching process more difficult. The free economy does not have a stable base, and any oscillation in trends represents a temptation for such a system and easily brings economic and political crises. Associated states would be striving for their partial material interests, which will easily result in contradictions, antagonisms and splits.   

The Rothschild family, through their agents, plan to unite the world under their control, but it will not happen soon. Inhabitants of developed countries have been raised for generations to follow the interests of the rich, while the rest of the world with voting rights could react beyond the control of the former. Moreover, inhabitants of developed countries have also been raised for generations to perform highly productive work from which, needless to say, the rich have greatly benefited. The developed world would incur costs on the behalf of the developing countries and this is the reason why the uniting of the world is for the time being impossible.  

Presently, the rich imperialists are ready to offer to the rest of the world their own dictate only and, in the best case, free market relations by setting up the World Trade Organization. The reason is simple. They will realize a larger profit on a larger market and, accordingly, larger conveniences, with almost no obligation toward such states and nations. Less developed countries and economies cannot sufficiently compete with their products so that they will be more and more forced to allow the world's rich to cheaply buy their resources and pay small wages to the labour force. The logic is quite simple and disastrous; it is better to be exploited than not be able to make any earnings on the cruel world market. The Rothschild family buys companies all over the world through their agents. They do not have any longer primary interests in becoming richer; they simply want to take over the world. 

Each country that will try to find its own way and oppose the world’s rich will suffer not only economic but also political pressures. The World’s rich not only exhaust economically the less developed countries by way of providing loans and credits, they also topple governments in such countries in search for obedient leaderships, they produce civil wars in these countries in order to weaken them on a lasting basis and make the states dependent on their power. That is why one may expect many organized wars, civil wars; especially in countries rich with natural resources. Once the wars will have sufficiently exhausted them, the Rothschild family by the help of the developed countries, will have established neo-colonial control.  

The powerful of the developed Western countries have the alienated, meaning insatiable, need for tailoring the world according to their will. Such policies always create disruptions that endanger world peace. We have been witnesses so far of the most organized attempts at establishing control over the world. However, all attempts so far have ended in bloody failure, and it seems that the present one will conclude in the same way if the world policy fails to change.  

There is a slight chance that such a policy could be changed inside the West itself by an organized revolt or revolution against the system. Such an option requires a big economic crisis and a majority of people without basic human rights. But the powerful people have operative possibilities to prevent the appearance of such a bad situation. Besides that, they may direct the dissatisfaction of the people where ever they want by the help of the propaganda apparatus they control. This option very easily leads to war. One cannot exclude the possibility for creation of a strong opposition to the policy of the world’s most powerful people but this option is also weak, mostly because the people do not know who the world’s decision makers are. The people are only able to see the result of their policy and they assign it wrongfully to the exposed leaders. The strong opposition may only postpone the realization of such policy but cannot stop it. There is also a small chance that the most powerful people of the world might lower their appetites and consider the interests of the people. Unfortunately the power they develop is by its alienated nature insatiable and therefore the problems will more likely grow. Therefore the chances of stopping the aggressive policy of the world’s most powerful people in the west are very small. 

In history, Russia has always managed to halt the raids of western imperialists despite being weakened for various reasons. But new imperialistic attacks will not be carried out with tanks, but by the corruption of the opposition in Russia, which will sooner or later, by nature of today's liberal democracy, come to the power. Then Russia will become a colony of the Rothschild family. In the end, the Rothschild family would probably be opposed by strong China because it is, as a one-party state, relatively immune to the troubles approaching from the Western world. In the alienated society the country is stronger when the authority is stronger. Please do not consider the strength of the country as advantage; the people live worse in such countries. 

By adopting the Western market economy model, China has become one of the most respectable countries in the world and will probably restrain the powerful clique of the West. However, China does not have, as is the case is in the west, any response to the economic and political problems already known in the west, which will undoubtedly soon affect China as well. It is hard to predict what will then happen. There is no reason for optimism. In China, the privileged party elite is rules non-democratically as the rich in the western world do.  It remains to be seen if mutual problems will lead to a war or whether a sort of an insufficiently stable cold war balance of powers will be established before the alienated, corrupt or, briefly, immoral systems break apart from inside.  

The present-day world definitely does not know any model of joint coexistence that is able to ensure prosperity of mankind. The present-day world’s relations are based on a dangerous and ruthless competition of determinations, and not on cooperation. The current world policy is creating objective injustices between the states, caused by enormous differences in the level of economic development and in the right to use natural resources. On one side is excessive production, and on the other, famine.

The history of mankind recorded some attempts at building a better world through association. In that endeavour, world organizations were established that tried to bring closer states and nations into an interdependent whole. For this reason, the Organization of the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Interpol, international health organizations, and many others were established. It is probable that at the very outset of establishing these organizations existed an idea of creating a better planet Earth. The organizations were supposed to bring conveniences as a result of the higher degree of association of nations, labour and capital, a greater wealth of determinations, a larger production and consumption strength and, accordingly, a greater welfare. Such organizations were supposed to reduce the possibility of an emergence of war conflict between states. However, the result is contrary to expectations. These organizations are being generally used for winning predominance in the world and represent as such a threat to mankind.   

There is no doubt, however, that the greatest danger in the world arises from the alienation imposed by the authorities. We are living in an alienated, egocentric, narcissistic world where people form large alienated needs. Alienation can deceive an individual to overcome their impotence before nature, but no activity can realize it and therefore an alienated individual is generally unhappy. Non-satisfied alienated needs represent an origin of destructive energy, which on a daily basis brings enormous problems to the world. Alienation is a disease that afflicts the entire world, whether rich or poor. Authorities may easily canalize such destructive energy to cause destruction in any of its parts. Of course, the most influenced people in the world are the most dangerous people of the world. As the world has not managed to overcome its alienated orientation, it has not found, either, the base for accomplishing its own prosperity.  

Today, the world is proud of the development of technology and production, but it did not move a single step forward in the development of human consciousness. Moreover, we are entering a period of a great worldwide degradation of basic human values. In this connection, one cannot say that all negative phenomena, destructions, wars belong to the past. With the development of technology, this problem has been raised to a higher level and is threatening mankind more than ever before.  


OK, but what is missing in order to change the situation? Knowledge is missing! In this book I have presented the knowledge necessary to form a good and sane society. It will take power away from the authorities and give it to the people.The described humanistic political order can efficiently solve all of these enumerated problems. The described system adopts and develops all positive characteristics of the known socio-economic formations, and suppresses or removes negative characteristics. It respects democracy, human rights, general and special individual interests, past and current labour and the values emerging from it, natural constructive inter-personal relations, and prevents the existence of alienation, privileges, hegemony, exploitation, and any destructiveness. The new system is so productive and elastic that inhabitants of other states can accept it. Such an act opens up the possibility of association at the level of states. Once the integration process among the states has started, then the association of the associated states at the level of the entire world will be just a matter of time.  

By associating, the states lose a part of their sovereignty because they assign it onto the union of states but also they realize at the same time new social life qualities. When mankind accepts the described socio-economic system, then the whole world will function as a commune. For the first time the world will exactly know, at any point in time, how many inhabitants it has and what their individual and collective needs are. For the first time it will be able to pursue a reasonable rational policy and satisfy the needs of the population.  

In such a system each inhabitant will have the freedom to act on the territory of the whole world. They will have freedom to choose a place to live and work to do anywhere around the world. They will be able to do it after announcing to authorized managers or agree with other workers. Freedom will have one limitation. The individual will not be free to make inconvenience any member of society. The system will develop very effective protection to each individual from inconveniences committed by any member of society.

The described system will allow each inhabitant to assess any convenience or inconvenience that they experience from any point in the world. They will do it by making a direct statement in the administrative world centre or in its satellite, the commune. The system of assessments can form a completely new system of values in the world, which will valorize and sanction any inconvenience, and reward any convenience that the individual causes to another individual. As such assessments will directly impact the income and past labour points of an evaluated individual, each individual will be responsible before the whole world. They will try to produce the least possible number of inconveniences and a maximum number of conveniences to the whole world, thus forming the base of the productive constructive orientation of the whole world. 

The new system envisages direct statements of all world inhabitants about the essential political, economic and other areas of joint interest. In this way, the rules of joint action in the world will be established in a direct democratic way. 

The system would form the world monetary policy and the world distribution of money. The collective money would be directly and democratically earmarked by mankind for the world's individual consumption, collective consumption, development of the economy, and onto all partial spheres of interest.  

The new system introduces in all states a universally established value in the form of the price of labour, which objectively presents the past and current labour values of all workers in the world. Upon such values, the system of all other economic values that will establish a uniform, just and acceptable distribution of all forms of conveniences and inconveniences arising from past and current labour of all workers will be built. Those are exactly the missing elements of the European Union for the establishment of a stable productive economic policy and therefore a general stability of society. 

The new economic system envisages a worldwide association of the economy into one large enterprise of the world, world leadership, world planning of the production, and world labour distribution according to the principle of free labour competition. The managers of the world will orient the world’s work quickly, rationally, and efficiently by the help of computer technology that is already well developed today. That would form a high and stable productivity that would optimally satisfy the material needs of the entire mankind. The free labour market will abolish work privileges in the world, which will inevitably entail the planning of production, labour distribution and distribution of operating results that optimally suit the interests of all of mankind and of each individual inhabitant.  

Such a system will allow each inhabitant to get to know their natural needs through their own practice and in this way overcome alienation. The possibility of expressing each individual's direct natural interest will free the society from alienated ideological, national, religious, cultural, economic and other alienated interests. Individuals will finally have the chance to live their lives in full and then they will not care any more about idols, alienated ideals, fetishes. The nature of the individual is unique for mankind and by bringing the individual come closer to their nature; the conditions will be created for forming a harmonious and homogenous social community in the entire world. 

Each individual will exclusively rely on their own forces in meeting their own needs, and will learn how to form them in accordance with their own possibilities of realization. This will represent the basis for meeting needs and, consequently, of the constructive orientation of the society.  The people who permanently satisfy their needs are not destructive. Such a system will form a factual equality among people and the narcissistic trait of the character as the chief cause of alienation and conflicts among people will be overcome to the benefit of natural cooperative relations. 

In such a system, the states and nations will no longer be endangered. It may be expected that the funds intended for armed forces will be abolished by the direct voting of the population, which would definitely disallow the emergence of wars.  

The proposed system will form a new consciousness of the individual, new ethics of the society, and new relations in the world. Such a system will enable safety, a convenient existence, and a spiritual and material prosperity for all inhabitants of the world. Shortly, it will form Paradise on Earth. As such a socio-economic system will be directly created by mankind, the state as a form of authoritative pressure over the society will be no longer needed. 


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